Complaints Table - Sirius Case Management

Contains details of customer complaints

Stability: The complaints table is to be considered stable .

Analytical Platform : Yes

Alternative formats : JSON

complaints table columns
Column Name Column Type Character Maximum Is Nullable Default Constrained values
id integer NO
caseitem_id integer YES
summary character varying 255 NO
description text YES
severity character varying 255 NO Minor,
Security Breach,
resolution character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
createdtime timestamp without time zone NO
resolutioninfo text YES complaint upheld,
complaint partially upheld,
complaint not upheld,
resolutiondate date YES
category text YES 01 - Correspondence,
02 - OPG Decisions,
03 - Non OPG,
04 - Customer Service,
05 - Policy,
subcategory text YES 10 - Third Parties,
11 - Refund Request,
12 - Digital Tool,
13 - Finance,
14 - Customer Service,
15 - POA Decisions,
16 - Supervision Decisions,
17 - Investigation Outcomes,
18 - Fee Decision,
19 - Safeguarding Decisions,
20 - Other,
21 - Banks / Utilities,
22 - COP / Judicial,
23 - DX / Royal Mail,
24 - Health / Social Care,
25 - Solicitors,
26 - Deputy / Attorney,
27 - Other,
28 - Letter Content,
29 - Delays,
30 - Contact with OPG,
31 - Quality,
32 - Incorrect / Confusing Advice,
33 - Failure to Follow Procedure,
34 - Lost Documents,
35 - Security Breach,
36 - Other,
37 - Mental Capacity Act,
38 - Fee Policy,
39 - Donor Deceased Policy,
40 - Refund Policy,
41 - Forms / Guidance,
42 - Digital Product,
43 - Safeguarding Policy,
44 - Jurisdiction,
45 - Other,
06 - General Query,
07 - Chase up,
08 - Typo / Grammar,
09 - Quality of Documents,
receiveddate timestamp without time zone YES NULL::timestamp without time zone
investigatingofficer character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
complainantcategory character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
origin character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
compensationtype character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
compensationamount character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
complainantname character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
task_id integer YES