Documents Table - Sirius Case Management

Contains details of documents associated with persons in the database

Stability: The documents table is to be considered unstable .

Analytical Platform : Yes

Alternative formats : JSON

documents table columns
Column Name Column Type Character Maximum Is Nullable Default Constrained values
id integer NO
correspondent_id integer YES
type character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
friendlydescription character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
title character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
createddate timestamp without time zone YES NULL::timestamp without time zone
direction integer NO 0 0 - Incoming,
1 - Outgoing,
2 - internal,
filename text YES
correspondence_type character varying 255 NO annual_report,
subtype character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying multiple options from unclear source,
sourcedocumenttype character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
description text YES
systemtype character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
reportingperiod character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
additionalpagecount integer YES
content text YES
mimetype character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
receiveddatetime timestamp without time zone YES NULL::timestamp without time zone
replaceddate timestamp without time zone YES NULL::timestamp without time zone
createdby_id integer YES
replacedby_id integer YES
documentsource character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying SCAN,
publisheddate timestamp without time zone YES NULL::timestamp without time zone
publishedby_id integer YES
deletedat timestamp without time zone YES NULL::timestamp without time zone
pagecount integer YES
uuid uuid NO uuid_generate_v4()
parent_uuid uuid YES
metadata jsonb YES
child_count integer YES
groupname character varying 255 YES
notifyid character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
notifystatus character varying 30 YES NULL::character varying
task_id integer YES