Tasks Table - Sirius Case Management

Tasks assigned to users and teams

Stability: The tasks table is to be considered unstable .

Analytical Platform : Yes

Alternative formats : JSON

tasks table columns
Column Name Column Type Character Maximum Is Nullable Default Constrained values
completedby_id integer YES
assignee_id integer YES
id integer NO
powerofattorney_id integer NO
duedate timestamp without time zone YES NULL::timestamp without time zone
activedate timestamp without time zone YES NULL::timestamp without time zone
completeddate timestamp without time zone YES NULL::timestamp without time zone
createdtime timestamp without time zone NO
systemtype integer YES
caseownertask boolean YES
type character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
status character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
priority character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
name character varying 255 YES NULL::character varying
description text YES